Carrboro - (919) 525-1962 | Chapel Hill - (919) 756-7680 [email protected]

Behavioral Consults

To eliminate unhealthy behaviors

Behavioral Therapy for Your Pet

Has your pet been acting differently? Is he or she demonstrating signs of anxiety or aggression? We can help identify and diagnose behavioral issues, by finding the cause of these self-destructive or unhealthy actions.

Behavioral therapy can look different for each animal, which is why our veterinarians take a comprehensive look at each patient’s situation. If you think this may be a good fit for your pet, give us a call to learn more or to schedule and appointment.

What to Look For

These are common behaviors that may be a good indication your animal could benefit from behavioral therapy:

Excessive barking, howling or whining

Excessive chewing or biting

Excessive begging


Separation anxiety

Inappropriate urination or defecation


Kindred Heart Animal Hospital


101 Two Hills Drive
Suite 110
Carrboro, NC 27510
Phone: (919) 525-1962
Email: [email protected]

Hospital Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday

Chapel Hill | NOW OPEN!

Governors Village, 50150 Governors Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Call: (919) 756-7680
Email: [email protected]

Hospital Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Grooming Hours

By appointment only